Presidents Message

Let’s Make a Difference

It is indeed an honor and a privilege to serve as President of the Cornwall College Alumni Association – Atlanta Chapter (CCAAATL). Let me take this opportunity to thank our Volunteers, Sponsors, and well-wishers that have all supported us over the years. Thank you to our members that entrusted me to serve as President. I also want to thank the Members of the Board that has stood by me and champion the call to help guide CCAAATL in its mission to help our beloved school and help transform “Boys into Men of Might”.

Since our inception in 2014, we have steadily increased the support we have given to the students and the school in various ways. The Chapter has also collaborated with our brother chapters on several projects that benefited both the school through infrastructure upgrades and the students through various scholarships.

Prior to COVID-19, we would typically have our annual Easter Mingle and our Summer Sizzle fundraisers. Now that COVID-19 is behind us, we are gearing up to resume our regular fundraising activities. One such activity that we will add to our calendar is our inaugural Golf Classic. The Chapter is looking forward to widening our support to the school and the students. With that in mind, I urge you all to donate your time, skill set, and financial resources to the chapter to aid us in our goal of making a difference in the lives of our students. Let’s give and make a difference.

“Giving is not just about making a donation, it’s about making a difference.  

                                                                                                           Kathy Calvin

I am reminded of a student who is from humble beginnings, a single unemployed mother, and a younger sister, living in a crime ridden community. As we say in Jamaica “Him poor”. This student was of brilliant mind and did very well in his studies while at Cornwall. However, for him to make it to school each day, eat lunch, and buy the necessary school supplies, clothing, and other necessities, would have been almost impossible. With some financial support and constant mentoring by myself and a couple of old boys, we were able to keep him in school. Fast forward to today, this Student was able to finish sixth form and is now a second-year student at UWI School of Medicine.  This is not by any stretch of the imagination an isolated case, in fact, it’s way too common. It is for these types of students that we as old boys extend our collective and individual sense of charity that have and will continue to make a difference in the lives of our young men and our future leaders.

Our Chapter has allocated a large percentage of our annual budget to scholarships. The school has many needs, and we believe that giving scholarships to students is the best use of our resources. The Chapter also direct a significant amount of our budget to help the school’s Track & Field program. We also help to fund a lunch program scholarship to students that are on the PATH program. PATH program is a government program for students that have a great financial need. We try to ensure that each of the selected students have a meal each day that they are at school for the entire school year.

We are steadfast in our determination that Cornwall College will still be producing Men of Might for another one hundred years and more, by collaborating with the other chapters for the improvements of the infrastructure and upgrading the educational facilities, giving scholarships, we are certain that we will accomplish our mission in making Cornwall the institution of choice in western Jamaica.

Your Intellectual contribution and your financial donations are always welcome. Thank you and God Bless you.


CC for Life

Chris Earle ‘80
